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The packaging had seen an incredible surge in its demand in the subsequent year when everything was locked down.

The Best Packaging Designs for 2021

The packaging had seen an incredible surge in its demand in the subsequent year when everything was locked down. We hope to make a new start this year, believing it will bring everything back to normal. In this challenging time, eCommerce has come out as a saving grace for several ventures. Brick-and-mortar shops have seen a significant decline in physical visits. It also does not mean that you should ignore the packaging if the people are cautious about physical visits. 


This year brands will be working even harder to construct a reliable connection with the consumer while investing in them at an emotional level. 2020 was a year of minimalist designs, and the same will be carried this year too. Being bold and creative with the package designs is the momentum one needs to thrive in 2021.


3 Trendy Designs for Packaging


We have mentioned above that 2020 saw some elegant minimalistic designs that greatly impacted the business. However, the minimalist models become layered and will be presented with more intent. 


Moving on, we shall look at a few packaging designs that should surely not be missed this year. 


1.      Small Illustrated Patterns


Having patterns and illustrations on your boxes will not only make them look appealing but will narrate the story of your brand. It will be descriptive about the product you are dealing in. This year, brands should opt for more intricate patterns and softer illustrations that will coherently reveal your brand’s story. 


Brands can keep the illustrations simple or even symbolic to communicate with the customer about the product. It will evoke several emotions and attract buyers easily. Having patterned and illustration designs will act as an artistic strategy built on the customer’s expectation. For instance, embellishing your custom  retail boxes with an anthropological illustration of coffee ingredients will enhance their presence and worth. This type of promotion and communication will not overwhelm the buyer and will give a realistic graphic on the packaging’s head.   


It is quite simple to design and will speak a lot in less. Brands should consider illustrated patterns in 2021.


2.      Arts of Design


You can be playful with the packaging and turn them into pieces of art. Artistic designs take no time making a home in customers’ hearts. You can take your inspiration from abstract paintings and play with the texture, shades, and figures to build a simple yet artistic look for your packaging. 


It was a prominent design for luxurious products and appealed to the masses. Nevertheless, this design will be pertinent to the mid-range items as well in 2021. Brands’ variation has an essential role in making this packaging popular, specifically in the time when the only interaction with the item is on the screen. That is why a customer receiving a premium and unique box with a great unboxing experience will put your company apart from the crowd. 


3.      Geometric Shapes


It is another beautiful and edgy design that will be leading the trends this year. Your minimalistic designs will blossom with the inclusion of geometry on boxes. You have to keep it neat and attention-grabbing to influence people with your packaging design. We have seen how vivid geometric figures with clear lines and jagged angles swept the floor in the former year. We want to tell you that it was the dawn of geometry shapes.


It was a huge hit, and many businesses will be competing for uniqueness and a better unboxing experience in 2021. It also gives the idea to the customer about your brand in an exciting way. Geometric shapes provide a bold and powerful statement, just like the small illustrated patterns did.


The Final Thought


In summary, having these three packaging designs in 2021 will present you with lasting customer loyalty and status to recognize easily. Hire a reputed printing and packaging solutions service that will make the job easier and fun at cost-effective prices.